Board of Directors Activity – November PY23


The August 18, 2022, board meeting minutes were approved at the November 17, 2022, meeting and are now posted on the Enduris website at  You can click here to go directly to the approved minutes. Your comments or questions are always welcome.

The annual meeting was held in November. Enduris’ new actuary, Kevin Wick, of (PwC) PricewaterhouseCoopers, presented Enduris’ yearly Actuarial Review and Capital Adequacy Assessment as of August 31, 2022. The board formally recognized and approved the receipt of the actuarial review. In addition, Enduris’ Broker; Doug Wozniak, Senior Vice President, of Alliant Insurance Services, Inc., and reinsurer; Andrew Halsall, President & CEO, of (GEM) Government Entities Mutual, gave an insightful presentations regarding the insurance industry for the upcoming PY2023. The Year in Review presentation for Policy Year 2022 was delivered by Sheryl Brandt, our Executive Director and Kimberly Millikan, our Director of Finance.

On 2/16/2022 the board conducted a Generative Thinking Workshop facilitated by Sedgwick. Results from that workshop were compiled and used to create a set of 5 goals which the Executive Director used to create Enduris’ Strategic Plan. The board expressed their interest in continuing its work with Sedwick with facilitated Generative Thinking Workshops. We are pleased that Sedgwick will be conducting a follow up workshop on February 15, 2023, ranging from a full to partial day session, with a two-hour re-cap the following day at the regularly scheduled board meeting.

Additionally, the Board of Directors approved the following meeting schedule for 2023:

  • Wednesday, February 15, 2023 (Generative Thinking Workshop)
  • Thursday, February 16, 2023
  • Tuesday, May 16, 2023
  • Thursday, August 17, 2023
  • Thursday, November 16, 2023 (Annual Members & Board Meeting)

The next Board of Directors’ meeting will be held on Thursday, February 16, 2023, with the Generative Thinking Workshop held the previous day (February 15, 2023) to continue focusing on Enduris’ Strategic Plan.

All meetings will be held at the Enduris office located at, 1610 S. Technology Boulevard, Suite 100, Spokane, Washington, unless otherwise notified. Please contact Shawna Masterton, at or (509) 838-0910 if you plan to attend, so we can get an accurate count for planning purposes. The Enduris membership is always welcome.

May you all have a happy, healthy, and prosperous 2023!

~ Shawna Masterton, Executive Assistant
